The Coast Reviews 'Broadway Without Borders'!

Stuart Hiseler and Karen Myatt have a great thing going. They’re shining the spotlight on cabaret with their musical theatre creations, and audiences love it. In Broadway Without Borders, the talented pair sing, dance and narrate their way through their twin love affairs with the New York stage. They cover over 40 familiar musical gems, and their voices are a match to them all. The show is naughty, funny and though simply staged, visually appealing. A gorgeous draped hanging is the perfect back drop for the snazzy lighting by Bob Elliot and the costumes by Janet MacLellan are both glitzy and classy. Myatt strikes me as a “broad” in the Mae West tradition---outspoken and hilariously ribald. She pairs beautifully with the more urbane Hiseler, and together they’ve created a fast, funny musical treat. ~ Kate Watson

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